
Published Articles by Hyla Cass, MD

    1. Total Health. Sleep: The Feel Good Prescription 2007
    2. Total Health. A Dialogue with Total Health Associate Editor, Dr. Hyla Cass Nov 2007
    3. Total Health. The Integrative Medicine Perspective 2007
    4. Total Health. Ribose – The Energy Booster 2006
    5. Total Health. Stress and the Immune System Oct 2006
    6. Total Health. Overcoming Addiction 2006
    7. First Women’s Health, Winter Health Woes. February 7, 2005.
    8. Alive Magazine. “Addicted? I can quit whenever I want”: the right nutrients can reduce cravings. May 2004.
    9. Taste for Life. Prevent the YEAST CONNECTION. March 2004.
    10. Whole Life Health. Cure for the Caffeine Crunch. December 2003.
    11. Alive Magazine. Overcoming Addiction. November 2003.
    12. New Living Newspaper. Healthy Solutions to the Caffeine Trap. October 2003.
    13. Bottom Line Health. Lift Your Mood The Safe Way. September 2003.
    14. Taste for Life. 5 Energy Boosters. July 2003.
    15. Men’s Health. Male Depression. Summer 2003.
    16. Taste for Life: Expert Advice. St. John’s Wort. 2002.
    17. Healthy You. Dr. Hyla Cass reveals…. U.K. September 2002.
    18. Taste for Life. Dr. Cass’s Recommendations for blood sugar balance. June 2002.
    19. Balance. Nutritional Approaches to Mental Health. U.K. Spring 2002.
    20. Taste for Life. Expert Advice on St. John’s Wort. March 2002.
    21. Vitamin Research News. St. John’s Wort Study Flawed by Poor Design, Focus, 2001
    22. Let’s Live. Get a Grip on …naturally with the help of herbs and lifestyle changes. August 2000.
    23. Vitamin Research News. SAMe: A Supplement for the 21st Century. Vol. 14, Number 6. June 2000.
    24. Natural Pharmacy. Natural Relief for Anxiety. Vol. 4, No. 6. June 2000.
    25. Bottom Line Health. Drug-Free Ways to Fight Depression. April 2000.
    26. Herbs for Health. Banish the “holiday blues”. November/December 1999.
    27. Natural Pharmacy. SAMe: A supplement for the 21st Century. Vol. 3, No. 12, December 1999.
    28. Total Health. Natural Remedies for Stress, Anxiety and Insomnia. December 1999.
    29. Women’s Health Newsletter: Alternative Medicine Report. Fish Oil Improves Outcome in Patients with Bipolar Disorder. Vol. 1, No. 9. September 1999.
    30. Let’s Live. Relax with Kava. May 1998.
    31. Total Health. WOMEN and DEPRESSION: Choosing Complementary Care. Volume 21, No. 4.
    32. Total Health. Natural Highs. Volume 24, No. 3.
    33. Total Health. New St. John’s-wort Study Misleads Public. Volume 24, No. 2.
    34. Total Health. SAMe Supplement for the 21st Century. Volume 22, No. 2.
    35. Total Health. Manage Stress with Relora: Cut Sweet Cravings at the Same Time. Volume 24, No. 5.

Professional Articles by Dr. Cass

    1. St. John’s Wort as an Herbal Treatment for Depression and General Considerations for the Use of Herbs in Mental Health; Seminars in Integrative Medicine, Elsevier, 2003 Vol 1:4, 2003: pp 191-198.
    2. Herbs for the Nervous System: Ginkgo, Kava, Valerian, Passionflower; Seminars in Integrative Medicine, Seminars in Integrative Medicine, Elsevier, 2004 Vol 2:82, 2003; pg 88 2004.
    3. Natural Remedies for Treating Depression-Alternative & Complementary Therapies: 8/2007.

Quotes By Dr. Cass/Articles About Dr. Cass/Book Reviews:

    1. Quick & Simple: Doctors Visit of Your Dreams, June 22, 2006
    2. First for Women. Foods That Medicine. March 21, 2005.
    3. First for Women. Just can’t lose? March 21, 2005.
    4. Alternative Medicine. The Natural Cure for Depression. March 2005.
    5. First for Women. Always tired? October 4, 2004.
    6. First for Women. Foods that with more love. February 28, 2005.
    7. Healing Lifestyles & Spas. Food and Mood: Is There a Connection? November/December 2004.
    8. First for Women. Foods that unstoppable. November 15, 2004.
    9. First for Women. Turbocharge your body’s good-cheer chemicals. October 25, 2004.
    10. First for Women. Sidestep afternoon slowdowns. October 4, 2004.
    11. Shape. Get energized. October 2004.
    12. Alternative Medicine. The Best Energy-Boosters. October 2004.
    13. Woman’s Day. Get Energized! September 14, 2004.
    14. Woman’s World. In the morning. September14, 2004.
    15. First for Women. Say so long to your inner critic! September 13, 2004.
    16. Woman’s World. 14 Smart Cures for Back-to-School. September 7, 2004.
    17. Oxygen. Energy Uppers: 10 Easy Ways To Live More Vigorously. August 2004. “Some people are genetically…”
    18. Woman’s World. 11am: Hit the Water Cooler. August 17, 2004. “But drinking water…”
    19. First for Women. Outsmart Perspiration. June 21, 2004.
    20. Woman’s World. At breakfast… sip one less cup. June 15, 2004. “Cutting out just one…”
    21. Woman’s World. Cross more things off Your “stress list”! June 8, 2004. “Bright light increases the…”
    22. Fitness Magazine. Beat Your Next Craving. May 2004. “Typically, boredom is just mild…”
    23. Whole Foods Magazine. Book Review of Natural Highs. May 2004.
    24. Woman’s World. Get an instant happiness jolt with these Surprising blues busters! May 25, 2004. “Concentrating on something…”
    25. Fitness Magazine. What’s the best way to keep…..undermining current goals? March 2004.
    26. Shape. Get Energized. January 2004. “Negative thoughts are draining…”
    27. Redbook. Instant Energy Booster: Snacks that’ll pump you up! March 2004.
    28. Woman’s World. The aroma that lights up brain cells! February 17, 2004.
    29. Arkansas Democrat- Gazette. ‘We are what we eat’ book: Add grains of salt to taste. February 11, 2004.
    30. Palisadian Post. Dr. Hyla Cass to Speak At Conscious Life Expo. February 5, 2004.
    31. Woman’s World. Cold? Tired?…. February 3, 2004. “Enormous numbers of women…”
    32. Woman’s World. If you’re over 30, Your Hormones may need help… January 27, 2004. “The good news is that we now have…”
    33. Woman’s World. Insomnia? December 23, 2003. “We’re naturally lighter sleepers…”
    34. Woman’s World. Going caroling. November 18, 2003.
    35. Saginaw News (MI). Quiz yourself on mind’s capabilities. October 22, 2003.
    36. Woman’s World. Tired? Sad? Stressed? Take some PS! October 7, 2003. “PS increases your brain’s…”
    37. Woman’s Day. Mood Foods: Boost your state of mind. October 7, 2003. “When combined, carbohydrates and protein…”
    38. Woman’s World. Turn on your brain’s “relaxation” waves! September 23, 2003. “L-theanine is so powerful…”
    39. Vitamin Retailer. Healthy Foundation Awards Research Contract. September 2003.
    40. Woman’s World. Surprising cures for your blue mood. May 20, 2003.
    41. Bodhi Tree Book Review Newspaper. Review of Natural Highs. Winter 2002/Spring 2003.
    42. Woman’s Day. Boost Your Energy. April 1rst 2003. “When you try to get…”
    43. Taste for Life. 11 Health Tips. March 2003.
    44. Shape. The marriage weight penalty. February 2003.
    45. Total Health. St. John’s Wort. February 2003.
    46. Clinical and Research News. BPD Patients Respond To Omega-3 Fatty Acids. January 17, 2003. “…the brain is made up…”
    47. Charleston Daily Mail Newspaper. Mood Foods. December 31, 2002.
    48. Awareness Magazine. Beating Holiday Blues, Naturally with Hyla Cass, MD. November/December 2002.
    49. Kindred Spirit Quarterly. Mood Food. U.K. September/November 2002.
    50. Altoona Mirror Newspaper. Wanna get high? No, not that way. September 24, 2002. “Pleasant smells can put people…”
    51. One Spirit. Book Review of Natural Highs. September 2002.
    52. Inner Words. Book Review of Natural Highs. September 2002.
    53. Natural Health. Book Review of Natural Highs. August 2002.
    54. El Nuevo Herald. La nutricion es clave para el rendimiento escolar. August 13, 2002.
    55. Total Health Resource Guide. July/August 2002.
    56. The Role of Nutraceuticals and Nutrition in Disease Prevention. Book Review of Natural Highs. Summer 2002.
    57. The Toronto Star Newspaper. In the age of deception, the years lie lightly. July 26, 2002.
    58. The Toronto Star. Say “hi” to her highness Hyla. July 19, 2002.
    59. Nutrition News Newsletter. Natural Highs. June 2002.
    60. Alternative Medicine. Book Review of Natural Highs. June 2002.
    61. Whole Life Times. Eat Right, Stay Sane. June 2002.
    62. Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association ( JANA). Interview with Hyla Cass, MD. Summer 2002.
    63. JANA. A Visionary Contribution. Summer 2002.
    64. Whole Foods. Supplement Highlights. March 2002.
    65. Taste for Life. Chill Out- Naturally. February 2002.
    66. Clinical Psychiatry News. St. John’s Wort Fails First Placebo Trial. May 2001.
    67. Taste for Life. Getting to the Heart. March 2001. “Medications may have a single…”
    68. National Post. The little herb that could. February 5, 2001.
    69. Alternative Complementary Therapies. Study participants with SAD…..and light. February 2001.
    70. Woman’s World. 5 Cures for The summertime blues. August 15, 2000. “But you can also reap…”
    71. Vitamin Research Products. Kava Kava: A Safe, Effective, Legal Alternative/June 2000.
    72. Time Magazine. The Root of Tranquility. November 9, 1998.
    73. Total Health. Pioneering a 21st Approach to Optimal Health. Volume 22, No. 1.
    74. Total Health. Total Health Management for Women. Volume 22, No. 6.
    75. National Newpaper Campaign 2003. Benefits of SAMe

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